18/12/27 09:29:00

Project Runway's Coming Back - Everything You Need To Know About The New Series 


      Fashion lovers’ world over are jumping for joy that Project Runway is finally coming back to our screens, but it’s not without a few major changes. Over the course of the previous sixteen seasons, we’ve seen the expert judging panel switch up every few seasons with industry greats such as Michael Kors, Zac Posen and Rachel Roy. Nina Garcia, fashion editor for Marie Claire has always stayed a constant on the judging panel and in fact will be the only one to remain for the seventeenth season. Beloved mentor, chief creative officer for Liz Claiborne and all round shoulder to cry on Tim Gunn will no longer be a part of the series and neither will supermodel host Heidi Klum. Taking their place on the new rebooted version of Project Runway are Christian Siriano, season four winner and designer of his brand, taking the place of the infamous Tim Gunn and supermodel Karlie Kloss taking over Heidi Klum’s role as host. Joining Nina Garcia on the judging panel are fashion designer Brandon Maxwell and former Teen Vogue editor, Elaine Welteroth.


       全世界的时装爱好者在欢欣雀跃,新一季《天桥娇子》终于回归啦,而且将有较大的变化。在之前的十六季中,我们看到专业评委阵容每隔几季就会有调整,行业大咖如Michael Kors(美国著名设计师,创立了同名奢侈品牌), Zac Posen (美国设计师,创立了同名品牌)Rachel Roy(美国设计师,创立了同名品牌)Marie Claire(美丽佳人)的时尚编辑Nina Garcia是这个节目的常驻评委,实际上将是唯一一个全部十七季都参加的评委。Liz Claiborne(丽诗加邦)的创意总监、人气导师Tim Gunn 将不再参与新一季的节目,也不会邀请超模Heidi Klum担任主持。在新版《天桥娇子》中,第四季冠军,同名品牌创始人设计师Christian Siriano取代了Tim Gunn,和超模Karlie Kloss接棒Heidi Klum主持。这一季携手Nina Garcia的评委还有设计师Brandon MaxwellVogue 青年版编辑Elaine Welteroth


       We might be saying goodbye to Tim Gunn and Heidi Klum on Project Runway but thankfully we can’t get rid of them that easily! Announcing on social media, the reason for their departure is actually due to a new fashion venture in collaboration with Amazon. It’s yet to be released exactly what their new fashion show will involve but we do know the intent is to provide a more shoppable experience for the viewer. We’re hoping that means we’ll actually be able to purchase the creations designed, presumably directly from Amazon which would certainly be a welcome feature and a unique idea in itself. It seems it wasn’t an easy departure to make for the dynamic duo, each one sending their own thank you to their fans and Project Runway for their amazing experiences on the show and their deep felt emotions about having to say goodbye to that chapter of their careers.

      我们可能向Tim Gunn Heidi Klum说再会了,但谢天谢地,他们不会马上无影无踪他们在社交媒体上宣布,他们离开的真正原因上是与亚马逊公司合作的进行一次新的时尚投资。他们的新时装秀将涉及哪些内容,目前尚待公布,但我们确实知道,其目的是为观众提供更加便利的购物体验。我们希望我们能直接从亚马逊(Amazon)买到设计作品,这一特点毫无疑问会很受欢迎,而且是独到的想法风云二人组的告别并不容易两个人都向粉丝和《天骄》节目中的精彩经历表示感谢他们不得不告别职业生涯的这一章节,心中的情感难以尽述


      Christian Siriano’s personality as a contestant was both funny and fiery so we’re hoping he will bring just as much passion and sass to his role as mentor. After all, he’s been in the contestants’ shoes so he knows first hand how hard it is and what it really takes to win. Furthermore, he did an excellent job judging Project Runway Junior and has been a guest judge on Project Runway proper a number of times, he should have this in the bag. Shari Levine, a Bravo executive has mentioned numerous times that the new Project Runway season is very much geared towards the younger audience, paving the way for a new generation of fashion designers. We hope that doesn’t mean older fans of the show will find it too junior but the fresh faces of the judging panel, host and mentor certainly seem to fit that, all being in their late twenties and early thirties. 


      Christian Siriano曾经也是参赛选手,幽默风趣,而且还有热情。我们也希望他作为导师带来更多的热情和辛辣的点评。毕竟,他曾经参赛者加这个节目,知道这个比赛的难度,想要赢得比赛要付出很多。而且,他在《天桥娇子少年版》做评委表现非常好,在《天桥娇子》也客串过几回评委,对这个节目应该是熟门熟路。Shari Levine,是一个出色的监制,数次提到新一季《天桥娇子》在向年轻的观众靠拢,为青年一代时尚设计师铺平道路。他希望年龄较大的观众不要觉得这个节目太年轻化了,毕竟新的评审、主持人和导师都只有二三十岁。


      Over the years since the initial season of Project Runway, the format of the competition has stayed continuous while adapting to the ever changing nature of fashion. We’ve seen grocery store challenges, where the contestants have to make garments out of fresh produce and other unconventional material challenges where their skills are put to the test creating garments made from everything from candy and chocolate to pet store supplies and junkyard materials.



      With each new season, there are always similarities in the challenges as well as differences and most recently we’ve seen a significant increase in the amount of computer aided design challenges including digital print, when contestants were asked to design a printed fabric as well as creating the actual garments for their runway looks. We really hope the new series will continue along this path, using more technology in the challenges as well as the classic unconventional materials.


    每一季都有相似的地方又有创新,最近我们已经看到在挑战中,当参赛者被要求设计面料印花,或者做走秀的衣服时,包括数字印刷在内的计算机辅助设计的使用显著增加。我们真心的希望新一季继续沿着这个方向走,使用更多的科技, 以及经典的的非常规材料。

       Another adjustment that has been made to Project Runway in recent years surrounds the issue of inclusivity. Originally, only models with traditional model bodies were used on the show and this has since been opened up to include plus size models from all walks of life. The show has also opened itself up to challenges that involve designing for children, menswear and real women with real bodies – putting the emphasis on the fact that a truly great designer, worthy of a Project Runway win, should be able to design for any body type, most importantly real life women of any size. We really hope they will continue with this diversification and perhaps even push the boundaries further.


    最近几年,《天桥娇子》进行的另一项调整围绕着包容性这个问题。最初,在节目中仅使用标准体型模特,现在,舞台向所有人敞开,包括肥胖的模特。节目设置也实现了多元化,比赛要求设计包括儿童服饰, 男装和真正的女性服装---即按照每个女性自己真实的体型制作的服装。这强调了一个事实,一个真正伟大的设计师才配得上《天台娇子》的冠军,他应该能够为任何体型的人设计,最重要的是为现实生活中不同体型的女性设计。我们真心的希望这个节目能延续这种多元化的方向, 不断实现突破和创新。

      We all love to see the stunning clothing these talented designers create but another reason Project Runway has gone from strength to strength is for the interaction between contestants and even the judges. With a majority of new faces in the cast, the success of the new Project Runway will largely be determined on how well they gel together and whether they can bounce off each other or fall flat. For the contestants, what makes a great series is usually a controversial moment. In the past we’ve seen cheaters being thrown off the show and massive strops thrown by pretentious designers so we’re also hoping for a healthy dose of drama between the challengers too! We’ll still have to wait a little longer to see what the new format of Project Runway will really look like. It’s expected to premiere early 2019 with pre-production already in full swing but until we see it, it’s hard to tell whether it will be just as fabulous as it has been in the past. Like Tim Gunn always says, the producers will just have to “make it work!” Until then, we’re reserving judgment.


        我们都喜欢看到这些天才设计师所创造的令人惊叹的服装,但天台娇子不断取得成功的另一个原因是参赛者甚至评委之间有互动。新一季的拍摄阵容中大多数是新面孔,是否成功将在很大程度上取决于他们如何凝聚在一起,以及他们之间能否擦出火花或惨淡收场。对于参赛者来说,撕逼时刻往往是节目的精彩之处所在。在过去,我们曾看到过作弊的人被赶下秀场,所以我们也希望看到自命不凡的挑战者之间能产生怎样的戏剧效果!我们还得再等等才能看新一季的《天桥娇子》会是什么样子。新一季预计将在2019年初面世,前期制作正在如火如荼展开。除非我们看到它,否则很难说它是否会像过去一样精彩。就像Tim Gunn说的那样,制片人必须实现他们所期望的效果!在那之前,我们还不能断言。


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